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Principle-Driven Skill Development
In Traditional Martial Arts
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“Identifies and describes numerous application principles from all the potentially precursor influences on Goju-ryu. Most importantly, it discusses in extreme detail those closely-guarded secrets known by some, and vigorously sought by early Okinawan Karate pioneers, who were interested in the revered fighting arts of Fuzhou.” —Patrick McCarthy, Hanshi 9th Dan
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Book Specs: 7″ x 10″ Paperback | 271 Pages | 550 Images | Black & White on White Paper | Pub Date: April 25, 2018 | ISBN: 978-1-943155-30-9
$39.95 Print | $9.99 Kindle
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About the Author
Russ Smith expressed an interest in martial arts as a young teenager, and began learning Karate basics with a family friend. It wasn’t until Russ was on extended vacation in the Philippines over 30 years ago that he began his formal training in Japanese Goju-Ryu. Upon his return to the United States, Russ’s interest in the origins of Goju-Ryu were piqued, which led to him seeking out instruction in Okinawan Goju-Ryu. Russ’s desire to continue research on the origins and influences on Goju-Ryu has lead him to study Fujian and Hakka arts such as Five Ancestor (Ngo Cho Kun), White Eyebrow (Pak Mei), and White Crane Boxing styles. Russ is the head instructor at the Burinkan Dojo and makes periodic trips overseas to train Goju-Ryu and Kobudo in Okinawa, and Kung-fu in Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and across the USA. For Tambuli Media, he is co-translator of the Bible of Ngo Cho Kun and author of Principle-Driven Skill Development.
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About The Book
Principle-Driven Skill Development dives deep to describe how to ensure traditional martial artists can avoid the limitations of memory-focused training by utilizing traditional principles, coupled with purpose-driven teaching methods.
Readdressing common ideas in martial arts, the author helps outline a method for understanding, codifying, and error-correcting one’s own training and teaching methods and focusing on developing progressive understanding in students, and then enlisting traditional application principles to help guide and enhance the effectiveness of clinch-range maneuvers.
Principle-Driven Skill Development lays a groundwork of fundamental, strategic principles that constitute a universal set of truths for self-defense based martial arts. Principles focused on control, timing, and positioning are then enhanced by principles that assist the practitioner in utilizing their anatomical tools to stack the odds in their favor. These advanced application methods are then supported by a series of structure and power-related principles, ensuring the practitioner has access to the engine(s) necessary to drive powerful and effective techniques.
Over 500 photos provide examples of over 30 application principles from arts like Okinawan Karate and Chinese Five Ancestor Boxing, White Crane Boxing, Grand Ancestor Boxing, White Eyebrow Boxing and others.
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Rave Reviews
“Explores the principles behind most martial training. This is the spine of the art…. Examples cover and interlock all sorts of concepts. There is a section on timing, tools (xing), power (gong), methods and more. His applications make you nod in agreement. His techniques could keep you in lesson plans for uncountable hours.” —Sifu Ted Mancuso, Kaimen & Plumb Pub
“Russ Smith, presents an insightful, intriguing survey of the Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate style through the perspective of its Chinese influences..” —Sensei Marcus Davila, Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate
“This is not simply a personal take on training and teaching. It is based in the use of directly transmitted (i.e., clearly taught) principles found in some Southern Chinese martial arts.” –Sensei Fred Lohse, Chief Instructor, Boston Kodokan
“Russ Smith is one of the most clear-thinking and progressive instructors of traditional martial arts today. His book shows the how and why of training that brings traditional practice into modern times.” —Sifu Mark Wiley, Beng Hong Athletic Assoc.
“Russ Smith reaches out to the ancestor arts of Goju-ryu, such as Five Ancestors, Pak Mei and White Crane, to add depth and a greater dimension to his drills.” —Rick Matz, Cook Ding’s Kitchen