The Warrior’s Path to Whole Health

By Dr. Mark Wiley Health is more than the mere absence of disease. To truly be healthy one must be physically fit, limber, possess a full…

5 Tips Make Meditation Fun and Easy

By Lauren Golen I have meditated and I have, even at times, maintained my practice for a few weeks consistently. But, overall, I have also spent…

Are Martial Arts the Best Exercise?

By Dr. Mark Wiley Health is more than the mere absence of disease. To truly be healthy one must been physically fit, limber, possess a full…

Meditation: A Primer

Meditation is one of the great boons to personal health and well-being. When people meditate, they come to terms with themselves, alone, free from the overt…

The 3 Gates of Daoist Meditation

Daoism has a core concept which is based around how to cultivate the energy field of the universe in one’s own body. As previously mentioned, dantian…

Yin and Yang in Daoist Meditation Practice

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″] [et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] One of the biggest intellectual aspects associated with Daoism is the theory of yin and yang. This concept…