The Fatal Five of Ngo Cho Kun

By Tyler R. Rea The day you’d always hoped to avoid has finally arrived; you find yourself defending your life against a superior attacker—an attacker who…

Sam Chien: The 3 Battles “Mother Form” [video]

By Dr. Mark Wiley For martial artists, one of the most important themes for developing better quality of life is maintaining a wide perspective on health and…

Ngo Cho’s Master Text Translated

Written in 1907, the book known as Chinese Gentle Art Complete was published by Yu Chiok Sam, alias Yu Hong Piao, in 1917. Yu was one…

My Journey in Okinawan Karate-Do

From the beginning of time, mankind has had to invent and progressively adapt methods of protection to survive. To ensure the survival of our species against…

4 Strategies of Five Ancestor Fist

  The following is an excerpt from the beginning chapter of Chinese Gentle Art Complete: The Bible of Ngo Cho Kun, written by Yu Chiok Sam…

Rare Insights into Fukien Five Ancestor Boxing

Available for the first time since 1917, the rare book on Fukien Five Ancestor Boxing… “I congratulate Sifu Alex Co for translating this rare and important book…