Transformations Podcast Episodes

Features guests to share their transformative experiences. Topics include meditation, altered states of consciousness, qigong, martial arts, psychology, trauma, social justice, health, fitness, art, music, and more. It’s an examination of the human condition and our search for growth, meaning, and the achievement of Excellence in Life.

Timing in Traditional Martial Arts

If we liken a fight to a dance, the attacker is leading the dance, and the defender is
following…acting in the after, responding to the leader, merely reacting. The leader
acts according to their whim, unimpeded, the follower has the difficult task of keeping
up. The leader of the dance is acting in the before. The leader is deciding where on
the floor the dance moves will take both dancers. The follower is merely along for the
ride, with no control, and no say, as they are acting in the after.

Event: Society of Black Belts of America (SOBBA)

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Introduction to Principle-Driven Skills Training

In my experience training, studying, and teaching Okinawan Goju-ryu karate, I’ve encountered a significant number of students and teachers who have shared many of my same…

The Three Minds of Karate

By Garry Parker The power to succeed, fail, grow and change is within you. We all have it within us. Extraordinary acts are accomplished every day…