Alan Orr

Alan Orr is world renowned martial arts teacher, regarded as a modern Wing Chun master. He has been featured on the cover of Martial Arts Illustrated magazine twice, has written hundreds of articles, and is the former editor of MMA Uncaged magazine. Alan has traveled the world to find and train with best martial art and healing teachers and today he himself teaches martial arts, fitness, and healing in multiple countries. He holds 8th degree in Chu Sau Li Wing Chun, 5th degree in Integrated Eskrima, and Black Belt in Brazilian Jui-Jitsu. In addition to martial arts, Alan is an Acupuncturist who holds qualifications from the Bodyharmoics Centre, Renshu Collage, The Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Beijing), and International Tung’s Acupuncture Research Association (ITARA).

Alan has trained to Master Practitioner level in Tui- Na Chinese Massage and Manipulation Therapy with Maria Mercati the leading teacher of Tui Na in the UK. He currently resides in Tauranga, New Zealand with his wife and daughter, and runs the successful GYM 101 and the online Alan Orr Wing Chun Academy.

Structure of Wing Chun Kuen

Structure of Wing Chun Kuen


Books on Ip Man’s famous Wing Chun system are plentiful, yet focus mainly on the choreography and applications of the forms. Yet, to master Wing Chun one must develop mastery of internal body structure, energy generation, and proper force issuance in his own movements and especially when controlling an aggressive opponent. In The Structure of Wing Chun Kuen, Alan Orr teaches this very method in great detail.

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