Chinese Martial Arts

Chinese Gentle Art Complete

Chinese Gentle Art Complete


In Chinese Gentle Art Complete, Alexander Lim Co pours scholarship and more than 50 years’ experience in Ngo Cho into the first-ever illustrated publication, and English-language translation, of this historical book on Fukien Five Ancestor Boxing. Long held as the "Bible of Ngo Cho Kun,” this treatise on Five Ancestor Fist Kung-Fu has been a treasured keepsake among lineage holders of the style. Originally published in China 1917 by Yu Chiok Sam, one of the "Ngo Cho Ten Tigers," or leading disciples of the art’s founder Chua Giok Beng, the book saw only a limited print run. It has been out of print for over 90 years!

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The Way of Five Ancestor Fist Kung-Fu

The Way of Five Ancestor Fist Kung-Fu

$21.95eBook: $6.99
Author: Alex Co
Genre: Chinese Martial Arts
Tag: kung-fu

The Way of Ngo Cho Kung Fu is one of the first books in English on the rare art of Fukien Five Ancestor Boxing. Out of print for over 30 years, this faithful reissue keeps the dual Chinese-English format and serves as a historical reference for every Ngo Cho Kun practitioner.

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Structure of Wing Chun Kuen

Structure of Wing Chun Kuen


Books on Ip Man’s famous Wing Chun system are plentiful, yet focus mainly on the choreography and applications of the forms. Yet, to master Wing Chun one must develop mastery of internal body structure, energy generation, and proper force issuance in his own movements and especially when controlling an aggressive opponent. In The Structure of Wing Chun Kuen, Alan Orr teaches this very method in great detail.

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Fut Sao Wing Chun

Fut Sao Wing Chun


Wing Chun is one of the most popular martial arts in the world. It was made famous by Bruce Lee and his master, Yip Man. The most practiced form of Wing Chun is the Hong Kong version, which is streamlined and compact. However, older systems survive in China and one of them is the obscure art known as Fut Sao (Buddha Hand) Wing Chun. Fut Sao Wing Chun was brought to America in 1961 by Grandmaster Henry Leung, (Hong Lei, Chi Man), who learned the whole system under Great Master Gao Jhi Fut Sao. The system was passed down in America to Master Leung’s one disciple, Sifu James Cama. In this book Cama sets out, for the first time, the outline of the Fut Sao system of Wing Chun Kuen.

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Fundamental Iron Skills

Fundamental Iron Skills


Do you want hard arms for blocking and striking? How about an iron body to absorb blows from an attacker? In Fundamental Iron Skills, Dale Dugas shows you how to develop these ancient skills in a safe, step-by-step manner. This is the first book to cover all aspects of iron skills training in one volume, including solo training, use of auxiliary training equipment, herbal liniments and soaks, breaking techniques and fighting applications.

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Wisdom of Taiji Masters

Wisdom of Taiji Masters


In this ground-breaking book, author Nigel Sutton presents the wisdom, skill and experience of contemporary masters of Cheng Man Ching’s Taijiquan as practiced in Malaysia and Singapore. Included are full discussions on training, teaching, Taiji principles, weapons, push hands, sparring, challenge matches, mind-body-spirit development, and stories of the late Master Cheng. Two generations of revered masters discuss Cheng’s art in detail, including: Lau Kim Hong, Lee Bei Lei, Zhou Mu Tu, Ho Ah San, Tan Ching Ning, Dr. Fong Fung Tong, Wu Chiang Hsing and Koh Ah Tee.

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Beng Hong Ngo Cho Kun (15th year Souvenir Annual)

Beng Hong Ngo Cho Kun (15th year Souvenir Annual)


This collector’s item is the 15 Year Souvenir Publication of the American Beng Hong Athletic Association of Orthodox Ngo Cho Kun – Five Ancestor Fist Kung-Fu. Ngo Cho Kun (Wu Zu Quan) is the southern Chinese Fukien martial art of Five Ancestor Fist Kung-Fu. While very popular in China and Southeast Asia, the art is quite rare in the West, especially in North America.

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