James Cama

James Cama began his martial arts training in karate at the age of 7 under his cousin, and at age 9 he trained formally at Sun Duk Son’s Mu Duk Tang Soo Do school. He then trained in Hung Gar Kuen under Bucksam Kong and Chester Chin, Ying Jow Pai under Leung Sum, Go Ju Ryu Karatedo under Peter Urban, Kayo Ong and Meitatsu Yagi, Wing Chun under Moy Yat and Fut Sao Buddha Hand Wing Chun under Grandmaster Henry Leung. Years passed by and Cama became a closed door disciple under G.M. Leung and eventually became the first student to finish the whole Fut Sao Wing Chun system and to become certified to teach the art. Sifu Leung taught the system secretly for so long and because training was difficult at times, many students never finished the whole system. In fear of the art becoming extinct and with GM Leung’s blessing, Sifu Cama decided to open the gate and teach the art publicly. Sifu Cama tragically passed away on August 14, 2015, leaving a legacy for the art in his Tambuli book, Fut Sao Wing Chun

Fut Sao Wing Chun

Fut Sao Wing Chun


Wing Chun is one of the most popular martial arts in the world. It was made famous by Bruce Lee and his master, Yip Man. The most practiced form of Wing Chun is the Hong Kong version, which is streamlined and compact. However, older systems survive in China and one of them is the obscure art known as Fut Sao (Buddha Hand) Wing Chun. Fut Sao Wing Chun was brought to America in 1961 by Grandmaster Henry Leung, (Hong Lei, Chi Man), who learned the whole system under Great Master Gao Jhi Fut Sao. The system was passed down in America to Master Leung’s one disciple, Sifu James Cama. In this book Cama sets out, for the first time, the outline of the Fut Sao system of Wing Chun Kuen.

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