The Way of Five Ancestor Fist Kung-Fu

The Way of Five Ancestor Fist Kung-Fu

Inside Details on Ngo Cho Kun

The Way of Ngo Cho Kung Fu is one of the first books in English on the rare art of Fukien Five Ancestor Boxing. Out of print for over 30 years, this faithful reissue keeps the dual Chinese-English format and serves as a historical reference for every Ngo Cho Kun practitioner.

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About the Book

The Way of Ngo Cho Kung Fu is one of the first books in English on the rare art of Fukien Five Ancestor Boxing. Out of print for over 30 years, this faithful reissue keeps the dual Chinese-English format and serves as a historical reference for every Ngo Cho Kun practitioner.  This is the first authoritative book on the art of the Ngo Cho Kun (Five Ancestors Fist), depicting its early history, development, and its embodying principles and techniques like the basic fist set “Sam Chien” (Three Battles) the advanced form “In Tin Tat” (Entwining Kick), and a complete listing of all Ngo Cho Kun solo empty-hand forms.

Author: Alex Co
Genre: Chinese Martial Arts
Tag: kung-fu
Publisher: Tambuli Media
Publication Year: 2017
Format: Print, eBook
Length: 216 pages
ISBN: 9781943155255

List Price: 21.95
eBook Price: 6.99
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Alex Co

Alexander Lim Co is a living treasure of Chinese kung-fu. In fact, no name is more synonymous with Kung-fu in the Philippines than Alexander Co. He spearheaded the Chin Wu Club in Manila, wrote the first kung-fu book ever published in the Philippines, and published the country’s first martial arts magazine, simply titled “Martial Arts Magazine.” Co has studied a dozen different kung-fu styles, was an “in-door” disciple of Ngo Cho Kun’s late grandmaster Tan Ka Hong, and has studied Seven Star Praying Mantis and Hung-gar under Grandmaster Shakespeare Chan, Wu style Tai Chi Chuan under the late Master John Hu Chuan Hai, and Hsin-I Liu Ha Pa Fa under Master David Chan. Alexander Co is the Advising Grandmaster of The International Beng Hong Athletic Association, has served as Chairman of the Philippine-Chinese Beng Kiam Athletic Association and the Tsing Hua Ngo Cho Kung-fu Center and as Vice-chairman of the Hsin-I Society of Internal Arts.

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