by David E. Gould
This past April marked the 20 year death anniversary of Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite, the Founder of the Lameco Eskrima System. He passed away at too young an age on April 10, 1997. The following account is of my last memories of him during his last days.
I truly relished the time that I was able to spend with him in early February 1997 while assisting him as he conducted Lameco Eskrima Seminars in Germany. The time spent with him during the long flights to and fro Los Angeles and Frankfurt were priceless. As well as the training that we partook in at the Hotel every night in-between training events there. This time allowed me to expand on the relationship that I had with him from 1992 – 1997 as a private student and member of his invitation only “backyard” Lameco Eskrima Group at his home. It allowed me to come to know him better as a person and friend in addition to being a student.
On Friday, March 7, 1997 I had a semi-private session with Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite as I assisted him with the private Lameco Eskrima class of Sifu Larry Hartsell at Sifu Hartsell`s home on Alla Rd. in Los Angeles, California. I had assisted PG Sulite, one to two times a week, with Sifu Larry Hartsell and Debra Hartsell`s private Lameco Eskrima classes at their home from February 1994 up until this class on March 7, 1997 and unbeknownst to us that would be the last time that the three of us would ever train together again as a threesome. That day, for whatever reason, after our training we decided to take photos on Sifu Larry Hartsell`s front lawn with Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite, which would be the last photos that I took with him and this would also be the last time that Sifu Larry Hartsell would see his Teacher alive again.
Three days later on Monday, March 10, 1997 from 9 am – 10:30 am, I had what would become my very last Lameco Eskrima training session with Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite. This would also be the very last time that I saw him alive as within hours he would leave for the Philippines, where 6 days later he would suffer his stroke from which he would never recover that resulted in his death 25 days after that.
Four days later on Saturday, March 14, 1997, PG Sulite, with two of our Lameco Eskrima “backyard” brothers, Steve Tarani and Rodney Wilson, were in Quezon City, Manila, Philippines training during the first day of the “Kali, Arnis & Eskrima Masters Tour”. This tour offered training under some of the most significant names in the Filipino Warrior Arts, including Grandmaster Benjamin Luna Lema (Lightning Scientific Arnis), Grand Master Antonio “Tatang” Ilustrisimo (Kalis Ilustrisimo), Master Tony Diego (Kalis Ilustrisimo), Master Christopher Ricketts (Kalis Ilustrisimo / Bakbakan International), GM Jesus Abella and GM Pablicito “Pabling” Cabahug (Modernos Largos), GM Ireneo “Eric” Olavides (De Campo 1-2-3 Orehenal), Guro Jun Pueblos (Lameco Eskrima System & Kali Pekiti-Tirsia), and GM Helacrio L. Sulite Sr. (Sulite-Rapelon), among others.
Two days later on Sunday, March 16, 1997, Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite while training in the Philippines was felled by a stroke. My Lameco Eskrima brother, Steve Tarani, who was right next to him when he was felled by his stroke, later told me that PG Sulite had been telling a joke and was very happy, smiling and laughing with everyone in attendance as if nothing were wrong, and then he said that PG Sulite began to mumble that he was not feeling well, that he was dizzy. As he tried to lean up against a table for support, he went limp and fell to the floor losing consciousness.
One of the group who was there when he collapsed was a Medical Doctor and started treating PG Sulite as Master “Topher” Ricketts held him as the others were trying to arrange transport for him, they were able to get one of their personal trucks and placed PG Sulite in the back and rushed him to the closest Hospital. He was taken to the emergency room and soon placed in critical condition at Capitol Medical Center, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines. He would remain there for 25 days fighting for his life.
20 years ago this news sent shock around the world, especially within the Family and the “backyard” group. The first call that I got was from Felix Valencia telling me that PG Sulite had a stroke and they were not sure if he would live or die. Then I got another phone call as soon as I hung up the phone with Felix and it was Sifu Larry Hartsell asking me if I had heard the news about PG Sulite and if I had spoken with Felisa? We spoke for a few minutes more before ending our conversation.
After I got off of the phone with Sifu Larry Hartsell I called Mrs. Felisa Sulite and she was frantic as would be expected. She told me that she was trying to make arrangements to fly to the Philippines with her two youngest children, Edgar Andrew Sulite (4 yrs. old) and Leslie Grace Sulite (2 yrs. old) to be by his side. She had heard different things and was not sure exactly of his condition but only that it was not good. She was trying to keep a positive outlook on things and praying for PG Sulite’s quick recovery. So I got off the phone with her and received a few more calls from my “backyard” brothers throughout the day.
Later that night I announced a couple of local events to try and raise money for PG Sulite and his Family over the next few weeks that followed, as did my “backyard” brothers. After news had spread around the world many practitioners of Lameco Eskrima and other Filipino Martial Arts systems held similar events to raise money for the Sulite family. The solidarity from with-in the whole Filipino Martial Arts community world wide was awesome. It just demonstrated how profoundly that PG Sulite impacted us all with his contribution of the Lameco Eskrima system. Deep respect from everyone who gave their support during this very difficult time.
I was in a fog for the remainder of the day and could not help but reflect on good memories with PG Sulite from my first training with him as a private student back in 1992 until the last time that I saw him alive just 6 days before when I had my last private training session with him before he left for the Philippines. I tried to remain positive, thinking that everything would be alright and that he would recover. The next 25 days until his death would be a roller coaster ride of emotions regarding both positive and negative information which we would all receive back from the Philippines regarding his condition.
Three days later on Wednesday, March 19, 1997 Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite was still fighting for his life in critical condition at Capitol Medical Center in Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines, where three days before on March 16, 1997 after being felled by his stroke he was admitted to the facility. Also on this day, Mrs. Felisa Sulite and their two youngest children together, Edgar Andrew Sulite (4 yrs.) and Leslie Grace Sulite (2 yrs.) were leaving Los Angeles and flying to Manila to be with PG Sulite at the Hospital. Where PG Sulite needed surgery but his vitals were at critical levels and his blood pressure was just too high to be able to perform the surgery that he urgently needed to try and save his life. It would be a few days later until his vitals and blood pressure were such that he could undergo the surgery that he needed. Once Felisa and the kids arrived to Manila she would remain by his side at the Hospital for 22 more days until he would pass away.
Five days later on Monday, March 24, 1997 I had just gotten off the phone with Mrs. Felisa Sulite who was still in the Philippines at the Capitol Medical Center at Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite`s side in Quezon City, Metro Manila. She had told me that PG Sulite`s condition had gotten worse, that the doctors after attending to PG Sulite for the past 8 days in critical condition had finally stabilized his vitals and lowered his blood pressure enough to operate on him. However during the surgery he developed a cerebral aneurysm which ruptured so they placed him back in critical condition on life support. As Punong Guro Sulite layed there with-in the next 17 days he would suffer another ruptured aneurysm which made him even worse. But Mrs. Felisa Sulite was still positive that he would recover and ever hopeful that her prayers would be answered.
I had several more phone calls with Mrs. Felisa Sulite over the next 17 days while she remained steadfast and hopeful at the side of Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite at the Capitol Medical Center in Quezon City, Manila, Philippines while he was fighting for his life. Some days the news would be hopeful and other days not so much. At this time as well numerous groups were holding events in honor of PG Sulite to raise money for the family around the world… It was refreshing to see how profoundly that he had touched people in all corners of the World and how much love and respect that we all had for him.
On Thursday, April 10, 1997 Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite lost his battle and death claimed him… this tragic news soon shook the world, deeply affecting those of us who were closest to him. He was way too young to die. I remember first getting a phone call from my Lameco Eskrima brother Hans Tan telling me the sad news. Only minutes after that I received a call from Felix Valencia and then a call from Sifu Larry Hartsell telling me the same horrible news. He himself had only minutes earlier found out from Eric Paulson. Even though we knew of the stroke which he had suffered 25 days before and that he was on life-support for weeks after, there was still a small hope in the back of our minds that he would wake up and fully recover, but such was not to be the case. Things were very surreal and numbing for me for the remainder of the day and the days which followed.
To say that I was sad to hear this tragic news would be an understatement. I had lost someone of extreme importance in my life, and things would never be the same again. I lost my mentor, my teacher, and one of my closest friends, all in one day. I can honestly say that there has not been a day that has passed since Edgar G. Sulite was taken from us that I have not thought of him or reflected on his memory, which is profoundly imprinted on the deepest recesses of my heart and mind. Edgar can no longer speak for himself because he now belongs to the ages, so it is up to us, those who were closest to him in life, to now speak for him in death and to continue to spread his original vision of the Lameco Eskrima System to all those who would seek it out, the world over, in addition to protecting the integrity of his rich legacy for countless future generations to come. As long as I and my Lameco Eskrima brothers live, people will know who Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite was and what a profound positive effect that he had on all of us who knew him best.
Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite was laid to rest in a cemetery in the Paranaque area of Metro Manila, Philippines just five months before his 40th birthday… He will not be forgotten. There are events planned around the world by Lameco Eskrima practitioners right now in honor of the memory of Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite on this very somber milestone. This does my heart good that after so long he is still thought well of and respect still remains…
Get your copy of Lameco Eskrima: The Legacy of Edgar Sulite today!