Psychotherapy Less Effective Than Reported

There’s an old joke in the movie, “Annie Hall,” where the character Alvy Singer is having a meal with Annie’s family. Mom Hall says, “Ann tells…

The 3 Gates of Daoist Meditation

Daoism has a core concept which is based around how to cultivate the energy field of the universe in one’s own body. As previously mentioned, dantian…

Top 10 Arthritis Mistakes

Making mistakes is OK when dealing with health and trying to recreate a better quality of life. But when you don’t realize you are making mistakes,…

The 8 Biggest Arthritis Myths

Myths in healthcare take shape (and indeed take on a life of their own) when a sound bite or piece of information is spread and made…

Arthritis Relief Action Plan

Dr. Mark Wiley has spent decades researching and mastering natural wellness practices around the world.He’s taken those techniques and pioneered a powerful, integrated mind/body approach to arthritis…